JakedUp Package Configurator

Available Packages:

{{ key == 'vendor' ? 'Vendor Manifest' : 'Express Package' }} — Hybrid

This intelligently combines all known {{ key == 'express' ? 'Express' : '' }} packages for Syncler on-the-fly into a single hybrid package, de-duping any duplicate providers in the process.

You can copy the package URL as-is, or if you want a customized package, you can use the additional configuration options below...

Configuration Options:

NOTE: To get an Orion API key, please visit: https://panel.orionoid.com/ and sign up for an account.

* This will include the Orion custom search provider as you have configured it in the Orion panel under `Addons` –> `Packages` –> `Wako`
* Only exclude common providers if you plan on installing Orion's Syncler/Wako packages manually -- otherwise, keep this enabled

NOTE: Jackett is a custom provider that you would host on your own server, and requires an in-depth technical setup. More info

* NOTE: This address should be accessible by other devices on your local network, which includes the device with Syncler
* NOTE: Your private Jackett API key can be found in the upper-right corner of your Jackett web UI admin panel

* Blacklist providers to be removed from your custom package -- It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use this feature unless you know what you are doing!

{{ key == 'vendor' ? 'Vendor' : 'Package' }} URL:

Copy the following URL into Syncler...

{{ key == 'vendor' ? vendorUrl : expressUrl }}

Tip: Use a URL shortening service such as Bit.ly to easily input the vendor manifest URL into the Syncler app.

Kosmos Package — JustWatch

2024/01/23: Do not use! This package is no longer working due to a change in JustWatch's APIs. Needs to be re-coded from the ground up, which is on my to-do list.

This is similar to Syncler's WatchNow provider, but with some enhancements. This will search a pre-defined list of streaming service providers (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc), and will return a link to those apps if a result is found and you have that app installed. Upon clicking a JustWatch result, Syncler will launch the respective streaming app and attempt to deep link you directly to the title. If a deep link cannot be established, you will be taken to the main activity of that application.

You can copy the package URL as-is, or you can use the additional configuration options below...

Configuration Options:

Package URL:

Copy the following URL into Syncler...

{{ justwatchUrl }}